PRODUCTS Manpower Saving


We contribute to the realization of smart buildings by incorporating “functions that connect with people” to improve operational efficiency and comfort, “functions that connect with the building” to coordinate elevators and building facilities, and “functions that connect with the city” to collectively manage elevators in multiple buildings.

List of products related to Elevators from Manpower Saving

  • Ryoden Lift (small freight elevator) reduces power consumption with an automatic energy-saving mode. It is chosen not only for its ease of use, convenient functions, and safety, but also for its environmentally-friendly performance.

  • We propose the most efficient and labor-saving transportation and storing systems to suit various types of businesses.

Solutions for Manpower Saving

Cases related to Manpower Saving

Visualization Inside Factories Using Business Cameras

We realize operations with a small team through “visualization of the work site” using video images.