Company Profile

Company name

RYODEN Corporation


April 22, 1947


JPY 10,334,298,875 (as of March 31, 2024)

Stock exchange market

Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market


Consolidated: 1,360 (as of March 31, 2024)

Construction industry license

Ministerial Approval for Plumbing Work (Special Type 2) No. 4058
Ministerial Approval for Machinery and Equipment Installation Work (Special Type 2) No. 4058
Ministerial Approval for Scaffolding and Earthwork (General Type 2) No. 4058
Ministerial Approval for Electrical Work (Special Type 2) No. 4058
Ministerial Approval for Telecommunication Work (General Type 2) No. 4058

Telecommunication Business Registration

Registration Number: 383

Purposes of Business

1. Manufacture, purchase, sale, and import/export the following items:
a. Electrical machinery and equipment, electronic devices, and communication equipment
b. Construction machinery, machine tools, transportation machinery, office and domestic machinery and equipment, and other general machinery and equipment
c. Measuring instruments, medical instruments and equipment, and other precision machinery and equipment
d. Metal and metal products, textile products, wood and wood products, paper and paper products, chemical products, petroleum products, rubber products, earth and ceramic products
e. Everyday goods, oils and fats, fuels, agricultural and marine products, food and beverages
2. Development, processing, repairing, leasing, contracting, and transportation of items listed in the previous clause
3. Construction
4. Purchase, sale, lease, and management of real estate
5. Acting as an agent, intermediary, and wholesaler for the aforementioned items
6. Worker dispatch business
7. Power generation and electrical power distribution
8. Purchase and sale of secondhand goods
9. Telecommunication business
10.Creation, development, sale, rental, maintenance, operation, and management of software
11.Development, sale, rental, maintenance, operation, and management of various services using the Internet
12.Various information gathering, processing, provision, and consulting
13.Businesses related to the aforementioned items

Corporate Officers

President* Katsuyuki Tomizawa
Director and Managing Executive Officer Shunichi Higashi
Director and Managing Executive Officer Kazumoto Yogosawa
External Director Hideki Matsuo
External Director Goro Fujiwara
External Director Yuka Ogasawara
Director and Audit and Supervisory Committee Member Hirozou Tomomori
External Director and Audit and Supervisory Committee Member Noriko Sekiguchi
External Director and Audit and Supervisory Committee Member Thomas Witti
Managing Executive Officer Ko Oniwa
Managing Executive Officer Yasumaru Tokiwa
Senior Executive Officer Hiroshi Hiraide
Senior Executive Officer Tetsuji Sorita
Senior Executive Officer Keiichi Yaji
Senior Executive Officer Shinji Inazawa
Senior Executive Officer Shigechika Motoyama
Senior Executive Officer Yasuhiro Shibata
Executive Officer Takamasa Nitta
Executive Officer Keiichi Akashi
Executive Officer Koichi Imaishi
Executive Officer Norihiko Yamamoto
Executive Officer Noriyuki Shimizu
Executive Officer Tomoyuki Sugai
Executive Officer Naoki Kasano
Executive Officer Satoshi Asahina

* indicates Representative Director