Mid-Term Business Plan ICHIGAN 2024
Our Vision for 2050

The RYODEN Group established our Environmental Vision in April 2020, aiming to contribute to sustainable development goals through all our corporate activities.

Our Aspirations (RYODEN in Five Years)

Each and every employee is an originator of our business model, and is constantly taking on the challenge of creating new value while advancing business activities.
We aim to be such an energetic company.
Contribution to Society
We contribute to the development of local communities and happy life of everyone that we deal with as a true global corporation, going beyond pursuing our own profits. -
Customer-driven business activities
Uncovering true needs through staying close to customers and working together with partners with whom we have established a relationship of mutual trust, we realize increased customer value. -
Developing Global Talent
We cultivate global talent with respect for individual character and individuality, a high level of sensitivity and sensibility, and a spirit of autonomy and independence to take on any challenge. -
Pioneers in Niche Business
Leveraging strengths in our specialty fields (manufacturing, automotive, imaging, communications, and air conditioning), we establish our position as specialists in these areas. -
Energetic Corporate Culture
Even though our work styles and roles are diverse, we create an environment where goals and values are shared, fostering a culture where no one is afraid to take on challenges.
History of Mid-Term Business Plan
Succession and evolution
In order to become a one-hundred year company, we embrace the tradition of self-innovation and continue to evolve at new stages.

Strategic theme
Driving digital transformation (DX)
Three growth engines
Establishing business model for growth and creating next-generation new business
Improving productivity in core businesses
Strengthening foundation to drive business

Strategic pillars
1. Establishing business model for growth and creating next-generation new business
Business area | Key initiatives |
Network business | Accelerate IoT, pioneer security business, expand FlaRevo business |
Smart agri (plant factory) business | Pursue our own added value, develop new business, explore next-generation agriculture fields in Japan and abroad |
Healthcare business | Strengthen medical business, create new business of “pre-illness domain” |
2. Improving productivity in core businesses
Core business | Key initiatives |
FA business | Create new businesses and business models, expand fields of core business, expand international business |
Cooling & heating business | Strengthen engineering business, continue core businesses, strengthen focus items, explore international markets |
Building systems business | “Whole building” coordinator, maintain elevator business |
Electronic devices business | Create high value-added new businesses, business portfolio development, drive risk hedging |
3. Strengthening foundation to drive business
Develop global talent
Strengthen group governance
Focus Areas

Management Targets