Business Areas

FA Systems Business
Through cutting-edge technologies, know-how and engineering, we realize solutions that satisfy every need in areas including FA controllers, drive controllers, and NC controllers, as well as robotics, laser machining equipment and AI vision systems.

Cooling & Heating Systems Business
We serve not only as a distributor of Mitsubishi Electric air-conditioning equipment, but also as an innovative cooling & heating technology trading company that meets the needs of our customers by utilizing a variety of related products and business partners we have built up through our experience, as well as the design and construction technology we have fostered in-house.

Building Systems Business
In addition to Mitsubishi elevators and other major equipment, we offer full coordination of safety, security, environmental and energy-saving facilities. We also take advantage of our network of partners to propose facilities and systems to best suit your requirements.

Electronics Business
We take initiatives in providing novel technologies and high-quality products to create novel value in conjunction with our customers and partners. We contribute to realizing a sustainable society that is “environmentally friendly, reliable, and safe.“

ICT Business
We propose optimal products and systems for you ranging from hardware to networking equipment including video management systems, RFID solutions, and security solutions and servers from multiple vendors.

Smart Agri Business
RYODEN's proprietary next-generation agriculture service, “Smart Agri Platform“ will provide fields and value to companies that are entering into the next-generation agriculture area.

Healthcare Business
We propose actionable schemes for your digital transformation (DX) needs, including introducing electronic medical records at medical facilities, with standardized pricing and off-balancing of costs.

Green Network Business
“Remces“ is RYODEN's proprietary platform for integrated monitoring and control to solve your challenges and to contribute to your sustainable operation.