RFID Systems

We provide industrial RFID systems for inventory management, process management, stocktaking, spare parts management, asset management, and returnable container management.

List of products related to RFID Systems from ICT

  • ATLAS-Things is a cloud service to record the receiving and shipping of items, utilizing automatic recognition technologies represented by RFID and QR. It achieves not only quantity management, but also “individual item management.”

  • DI@SSET is a fixed asset & equipment management system using handheld RFID reader/writers. It enables borrowing reservations from a browser and lending and returning operations with RFID readers. The system includes an RFID tag search feature, which significantly reduces the time required for extensive inventory work.

Solutions for ICT

Cases related to ICT

Visualization Inside Factories Using Business Cameras

We realize operations with a small team through “visualization of the work site” using video images.